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I sat down to write today, for inspiration I looked at the collection of photo’s I have taken over the last few years. This image is one of my favourites, not sure if it was originally painted to be an angel, cherub or perhaps Mercury the winged messenger, I just love it, it seems to me to symbolize peacefulness and goodness, it is surprising that I photographed it outside the doorway that led to the brothel in Pompeii, a brothel where you could (a very long time ago, and before a volcanic eruption) pretty much procure anything you wanted, each position graphically depicted ( perhaps to avoid confusion) on the wall. It is that juxtaposition that makes the image that much more special.

As I pondered the appeal of the photo, I reflected that in reality all of us are visible to others in the context that they encounter us, that what we see or how others perceive us can be so wrong from our own reality. Not a startling thought, nor a thought that is frankly very original, it is, however, a reminder to myself, that sometimes what we see and what really is, can be completely dissimilar, like an angel outside a brothel door and that is what gives depth and nuance to our lives.

2 Replies to “what we see and what it is”

  1. Oh how very true this is. Over time I have learned to never assume right away, to not judge as there is always more that meets the eye. We come with our own so called “baggage” of which taints what we perceive to see. Love your blogs “Slow we go” ❤

    1. So true, all the “stuff” we have from previous experiences really can cloud our perceptions. We all have our preconceived notions even about ourselves, those “truths” (which they are not) are the hardest ones to shed. xo

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